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2023-2024 - Conf. 2 - Diagnosis as dialogue: historical and current perspectives, par Prof. Paul Hoff

Description Paul Hoff, born 1956, MD, PhD, studied medicine and philosophy in Mainz and Munich. 1997 he was appointed university professor of psychiatry at the Technical University of Aachen, Germany (RWTH). From June 2003 until his retirement in May 2021 he was head psychiatrist and deputy medical director of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at the Psychiatric University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland. Since June 2021 he is an affiliated scientist at the Psychiatric University Hospital in Zurich. At Privatklinik Hohenegg in Meilen (ZH) he continues to see outpatients. In January 2021 he was elected president of the Central Ethics Committee of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMW/ASSM).

Résumé : 

Ever since psychiatry emerged as a clinical discipline and field of scientific inquiry in the late 18th century, debates about diagnosis have been at its very heart. Considered by many a requirement for clinical communication as well as for systematic study, others have critiqued psychiatric diagnosis for being modeled on a medical conception of disease that is ill-suited to the specific nature of mental disorders. Based on a review of seminal positions in the conceptual history of psychiatry and an examination of their epistemological underpinnings, I propose to consider diagnosis as dialogue. Such an understanding can serve as a meta-framework that provides a conceptual and practical umbrella to encourage open-minded conversation across the diverse conceptual and experiential frameworks that are characteristic of psychiatry. In this perspective psychopathology will also reinforce the interpersonal realm as a necessary element of any clinical encounter, be it diagnostic in purpose or otherwise. Current challenges to traditional diagnostic systems like Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) are discussed in light of these considerations.
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Ce cours est associé au(x) cursus suivant(s) :

Cepuspp - 1ère année - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 2e année - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 3e année - Psychothérapies psychanalytiques - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 3e année - Thérapies comportementales et cognitives - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 3e année - Thérapies familiales et systémiques - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 4e année - Psychothérapies psychanalytiques - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 4e année - Thérapies comportementales et cognitives - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 4e année - Thérapies familiales et systémiques - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 5e année - Psychothérapies psychanalytiques - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 5e année - Thérapies comportementales et cognitives - 2023-2024

Cepuspp - 5e année - Thérapies familiales et systémiques - 2023-2024

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