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2017-18 - Conf. 3 Children of people with mental disorders - Prof. Giovanni De Girolamo




Intervenant : Professeur Giovanni De Girolamo, M.D.

Scientific Director of the St John of God Clinical Research Centre (IRCCS) in Brescia, Italy and current Head of the Unit of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Evaluation. He is Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the Department of Psychology, Catholic University, Milan.

Thème : "Children of people with mental disorders "


Mental illness in parents is a biological and environmental risk factor to which young people are
exposed. Living with a parent suffering from a mental disorder may have a variety of detrimental
consequences, including: (a) the reversal of caregiving (“parentification”), similarly to what
happens in children looking after somatically ill parents; (b) the exposure to an adverse
environment, where developmental needs of the child (emotional and practical) might be
repeatedly neglected due to lack of parental resources or to a compromised family functioning
(lack of communication, high expressed emotion, etc..); (c) stigma and discrimination. Young
people living in such family contexts often have problems of internalizing and externalizing
symptoms, cognitions of shame, guilt, and loneliness, perceptions of lacking social support and
social acceptance. Children who have parents suffering from mental disorders are up to two and a
half times more likely to experience poorer mental health outcomes than their peers. Given the
high toll paid by children having parents suffering from severe mental disorders, it is urgent to
develop, test and implement in Europe structured programmes to help these children cope with
stressful circumstances and improve their resilience. The main aim of this conference is to provide
a comprehensive review of the main areas of needs of these children and indicate the
interventions which have been developed and tested so far in different European countries.
Intervenant(s) Pas encore défini

Ce cours est associé au(x) cursus suivant(s) :

Documents joints
Titre Taille  
Brief curriculum vitae - Prof. Giovanni De Girolamo, M.D.   Connectez-vous pour télécharger le document
Invitation à la conférence du CEPUSPP donnée en anglais par le Professeur Giovanni De Girolamo   Connectez-vous pour télécharger le document

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